Understanding the Insurance Claim Log

Once a claim has been submitted, it's important to understand how to utilize the Insurance Log. This guide will provide you with the tools you need to navigate and maintain your Insurance Log successfully.

NOTE: An appointment attendance must be recorded in order for a claim to be generated. Click HERE to learn how a claim is generated.

From the Navigation Bar, select Insurance iQ

TIP: You can also view a specific client’s claim log from their profile page. Just select Insurance Claims under their Insurance Overview.

Under Insurance iQ, you will see the full list of insurance claims for your practice.

Here you’ll find: 

- Add Filters

This button allows you filter by: Clients, Service Date, Submission Date, Provider, Claim Status, and Payer to find specific claims

- Bulk Claim Export

This button allows you to export into an Excel file ALL insurance claims on the log without having to select any specific claims

NOTE: If a filter is added to the claim log, it will also apply to the Excel spreadsheet.

You can also select specific claims to bulk export, just select the claims needed from the log, and click Bulk Claim Export, the files will download in an Excel spreadsheet

- Bulk Claim Submission

This button allows you to select and submit more than one claim at a time.

NOTE: By default, this button is grayed out, once a claim is selected it becomes available

Once you are ready to submit the claims, select Submit Claims.

- Search Box

Using the Search Box you can find claims for a specific client or payer.

You can also sort through each column by selecting the title to segment your view

Claim Statuses

There are several claim statuses both for primary and secondary claims. Click HERE to learn more about the claim statuses. 

NOTE: If an ERA is received through TiQ, the statuses automatically change on the log. If a ERA is not received through TiQ the status can be changed manually.

Click here to learn how to record an insurance payment.

- Before a claim is submitted The 3 dots menu options will be: Enter Copay, Edit, and Archive.

- After a claim has been submitted, the 3 dots menu options will include: View, Edit, and Archive.

Understanding Notifications in the Claim Log

Once a claim has been submitted, if the clearinghouse requires more information, you will see a Notification Bell

- Select the claim with the notification bell to review the information sent back from the clearinghouse

- If there are no errors, it will state Acknowledged, and Claim Acknowledged.

- Rejection errors will be listed in red

Once you review the notification, the notification bell will disappear, you can select Mark Unread from the menu option to keep the icon on

Secondary Claims Tab 

Here you’ll find all the secondary claims generated and their statuses. The functionality and options are the same as for the primary insurance claims tab. 

Click here to learn How a Secondary Insurance Claim is Generated and How to Process Secondary Insurance Claims

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