The Insurance ERA page allows you to see the information sent back via an Electronic Remittance Advice. This guide was created to give you have a better understanding of the ERA log and help you navigate it smoothly.
From the navigation bar, select Insurance iQ and select Insurance ERA's
On Insurance iQ, Select the Insurance ERA's tab.
On the Insurance ERA's tab you now see all ERA's that has been received.
You can switch between "View by Check" and "View by Line Item," allowing you to see ERAs grouped by check or displayed as separate line items, respectively.
Note: ERAs associated with merged claims can be accessed from the Insurance ERA tab by selecting the "View by Check" option. The ERA dropdown will display a single entry containing all service dates and service codes from the merged claims.
When using the "View by Line" option, the merged claims will appear as separate line items.
On the ERA tab you have the ability to filter by ERA Status
When the Status filter is selected you have the following option:
- All
- Open
- Worked
Next to the status filter button, you also have the Search box.
On the search box you are able to search specific ERA's by:
- Client name
- Status
- Payer Name
- Payer Number
- Check Number
- Paid Date
- Received Date
On the ERA page you have the following column:
- Client
- Status
- Payer Name
- Amount
- Check Number
- Paid Date
When the 3 dots on a ERA is selected you have the following options:
- View
- Mark as Worked
- Post Claim
- Add Note
- Archived
To view details about a specific ERA, simply select from the list on the page to open their detail page
At the top you will see the Insurance ERA ID Number
Note: This ID number is auto generated and cannot be changed
On the right, you have the ability to select the ERA Status
There are three (3) statuses in the drop down menu:
Open: The ERA is still being processed
Worked: The ERA processing has been completed
Archived: ERA has been stored or moved to an archive section for historical reference or record-keeping purposes.
When the status of the ERA is Open, the will be visible on the ERA Log
When the status of the ERA is Worked, the ERA will be grayed out on the ERA log, but you'll able to make changes and print the form at a later time
When the status of the ERA is Archived, the ERA will no longer be accessible and will be removed from the client and practice account.
NOTE: When Archive is selected for an ERA, you also get a confirmation popup warning the ERA will no longer be accessible and will be removed from the client and practice account.
On the ERA detail page, you also have the ability to Print the ERA
When the Print Form button is selected, a new tab with a pdf view will open
On the PDF view of the ERA, select the Printer Icon to print your ERA
In the first section of the ERA detail page you will see the following info:
Client Info: First and Last Name of the client
PCN: Processor Control Number provided by the payer
Insured Info: Name of the Insured party
Ins Number: Insurance Policy Number provided by the insurance company.
In the ERA Charges section, you have the following column:
Proc Code: Procedure Code
Date of service: The date the service was provided to the client
MODS: Modifiers
Units: Number of times a specific service or procedure was performed or provided to the client
Charges: Cost assigned to the service(s) provided
Adjustments (Code/Amount): Modifications made to the billed charges
Allowed: The amount that an insurance company agrees to pay for the service(s)
Paid: Amount Paid by the insurance company
Important: Merged claims will display all combined claims under ERA Charges, including their corresponding details such as date of service, charge, adjustments, and more.
When the charge is selected, you will be redirected to the line item of this charge on the Transaction Ledger
Note: Any of the ERA charges, can also be seen on the transaction ledger of the client. Click here to learn more about the transaction ledger
In the ERA Basic Info section, you will find info regarding the ERA
In the Claim Basic Info section, you will find information about the submitted claim for this ERA
In the Provider Info section, you will find your practice information added in your Practice Settings
In the Payer Info section you will find the Insurance Company information
If any adjustment codes were added, you will see them listed under the Adjustment Codes Key section