How to Process an Insurance Claim

As a reminder, the following tasks must be completed before you can begin billing insurance using TiQ

  • Your company's insurance billing settings must be complete and accurate within your company settings
  • The client, associated with the claim being processed, must have complete and accurate insurance information within their client profile
  • To receive communications (e.g. ERAs, Verification of Benefits) from the clearinghouse, you must complete the enrollments necessary for the provider.

Within TiQ, claims are generated for pending submission once a calendar event has been marked attended. Claims are only generated for clients that have insurance entered into their client profile.

IMPORTANT: If any changes are made to the event, prior to the claim being submitted, the information will update on the claim log main page and the claim form.

From the Navigation Bar, navigate to Insurance iQ, and then select Insurance Claims

This log will contain all pending claims that have been generated based on appointment attendance marked "Attended" and Insurance Info being present in a client's file.

Select the 3 dots on the claim you would like to process and then select edit

Insurance Claim Form

If the claim is pending submission, complete the following steps to submit the claim:

Ensure that the diagnosis pointer is referencing the correct code in field 21 of the claim form (This is autofilled from your clients profile page.)

- The claim type & transaction type will auto fill. Update if necessary.

- If any payment towards this service has been collected from the client from the calendar event, you will see this autofilled here.

- The details from section 24 will autofill from your calendar event.

Note: If you add a charge with the 'Add Charges' button the information added will update the calendar event, update the invoice, and update the ledger.

If the claim has been submitted, and then then you and add charges, this will update the claim, invoice, ledger.

You can only enter additional dates with the same service date.

- Submit

Once a notification returns from the clearinghouse, the new notification column displays a Notification Bell until viewed

- Select the Row of the claim you wish to check notifications for to view notifications and take the appropriate actions.

Note: Once the notification has been viewed, the bell icon will be removed

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