In this guide, we will show you how to invite a client to their portal from their profile.
Click here to learn how to create a new client and Invite them to their portal
From the Navigation Bar, select Client iQ.
From Client iQ, navigate or use the Search Bar to select the desired client.
On the Client Profile, select the Edit icon.
You will now see the Client Profile Editor page
Select the Portal Settings Tab.
Select the Send Invite to Client button.
Select necessary Custom Forms, Screener, or Read Only Practice Files to send to the Client Portal for Client Completion
Click here to learn how to create forms
Select the Invite to Portal & Submit button.
NOTE: This popup is custom to your Practice. If you do not see a custom form, please contact your Practice Admin.
Once your client completes the login process and accesses the Client Portal for the first time, a new Activity will be listed in the Client's Timeline.
Click here to learn more about the client portal
IMPORTANT: The Portal Invite link that the client receives expires after 7 days. If the client misses setting up a password and accessing the Client Portal for the first time within those 7 days, they will need to follow the Forgot Password? process from the portal login screen.