Understanding Your Client’s Portal - From a Client Point Of View

Whether you’ve invited you client during intake or any other time, your clients will access their portal to keep track of their progress and information, this guide will give you a point of view of what their portal will look like:

When your clients first log in, they will find their dashboard:

Here is how each item on the side navigation bar will work.

My Profile:

Your client can edit their profile by selecting the My Profile Tab and then selecting Edit Profile.

Your client can also edit their profile and edit their demographic information, upload their Photo ID, as well as their insurance information

My Tasks:

Here the client will see any form or documentation that needs to be completed.

When a form has a green check mark and is scratched through, the form has been completed. Forms without these identifiers need to be completed by client.

Note: Once a client has completed their forms listed under My Tasks, the completed PDF will go to My Documents.

My Documents:

From My Documents, clients can download and view the permitted documents.

Clients are also able to upload a new document to share with you and well as search the forms by name to locate it quickly.

Note: Once a form has been submitted by the client, they can no longer edit the form.

My Appointments:

Here the clients can view their next 10 upcoming appointments.

If your practice has subscribed to self scheduling on TiQ, your client will have the ability to schedule their appointment on their portal. If you are interested in this feature, reach out to the TiQ support team to subscribe or learn more!

If the appointment is Telehealth, a Join Meeting button will be present for the client at the appointment time.

Note: If there’s a paywall, your client will only see the Pay Now button

My Payments:

Here clients can view and add payment methods.

Clients can view open invoices and Pay Now.

Client can also view recent transactions.

Note: Once a payment method has been added, it can’t be removed by the client

Switch Account:

If a client has an account linked to theirs, they can switch to the merged account from here. Click here to learn more about Understand the Relationship Manager.


If your client needs any assistance navigating their portal, selecting the Support button will provide them will guides and Frequently Asked Questions

This is what your client will see on their support page:

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