Understanding the Client Relation Manager

At TiQ we understand that there are many use cases to consider when utilizing the Client Relation Manager.

Below we have outlined a few use cases. If you find your use case is not listed, simply reach out to the TiQ Support Team for further explanation.

If you want to know how to access a contact's portal after setting the contact up with their client Click Here

Adding a Minor and their Contact

From the Navigation Bar select Client iQ

Select your desired client or search them using the search bar

On the Client Profile, select the Pencil Icon to open the Profile Editor

On the client's Profile Editor, you will first see the Basics & Demographics tab

On the Basics & Demographics tab, scroll down to the Client Demographics section

From the Client Demographics section, select the checkbox if the client is legally a Minor.

Note: If adding a new client, by selecting this box you will be required to add a Legal Guardian in the Client Relations Manager.

Select Save Client Profile to save your changes

Navigate to and Select the Client Relations Manager tab

If there are no Client Relations added, you will see a blank Client Relations form

If the client relation being added is not an active client, toggle the This is not a client at this practice

When the "This is a not a client at this Practice" toggle is on, you will need to enter the at least required information:

- First Name

- Last Name

- Type of Relation

- Email

If the client relation being added is an active client, enter their Client ID and they will be listed in the drop down menu

Note: When the Client ID is added, the information from the active TiQ profile will be added as the client's relation

Select the Type of Relation from the drop down

Adding the relationship to client is optional

From the Relation Access Permissions section, grant the appropriate permissions. Each permission indicates in detail what is being granted to the contact.

Select the 'Create Relation' button to enter your client's Relation info.  - Recommended Workflow

Invite both your client and the contact to the Portal.

Inviting the contact to their portal will allow the contact to have a portal login of their own, with the permissions that were granted in the step above.

Note: If a contact needs to access the client's portal, the email added to the Client Demographics page will need to be used

From the Portal Settings tab, select the 'Send Invite to Client' button.

On the Portal Invitation, you will see your client's name and the contacts name at the top. Select the specific Relation you want to invite to Portal.

Select the forms you wish to send to each individual, and select Invite to Portal & Submit button.

Now that you have made the connection between your client and contact, you can also send additional forms at a later time if needed.

Here is how:

Identify your client from the Client iQ.

Select Forms Library and identify which form(s) you would like to send.

Select the  (+) icon and then Send to Portal.

On the confirmation screen, select the individual you wish to send the form to. You will see the primary client and any other individual listed in that clients relationship manager.

Note: Here you can send the form to one individual at a time. All forms sent this way will land in the primary clients file once completed.

Editing or Deleting your client Relations

From the Client Relations Manager Tab, select the 3 dots from the specific Relation card view

From the menu, you will have the following options:
-Access Portal to view the contact's portal

- Send Reset Password Email in case the contact needs to reset their password

- Edit to revoke or grant additional permissions

- Delete to remove the contact entirely

Be sure to Select Save Changes to save the changes you've made

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