The Revision Needed Alert is triggered when a supervisee has submitted a progress note.
From the dashboard under the Missing Documents Alert section, select Revision Needed.
From the progress note needing to be revised, you can either:
- Add a Revision Note by selecting the Note Icon on the right
- Select the relevant progress note from the dashboard to open the note and complete any edits to the form.
- Select the Review Revision Note button to add or view the note left by the supervisor
NOTE: If you are the supervisee, you will not have the ability to edit the revision note.
- Once the note has been added, change the status of the note to Revision Requested By Supervisor.
NOTE: by default, the status of the revision note will be Pending Revision by Supervisor when the progress note is submitted by the supervisee.
- Select Confirm and close the form, and you will be redirected to the Revision Needed Alert page.
After completing the requested revision by the supervisor, the supervisee must:
Select the Review Revision Note button.
Select the revision status Pending Review by Supervisor and Confirm. This will send the note to the supervisor for a new review.
Save and Submit the progress note.
The supervisor will now check if the modifications were completed. If yes, the supervisor should select the Review Revision Note button, and select Revision Approved by Supervisor.
Confirm and Submit the progress note.
IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that clinicians have 7 days total to complete edits to a note after it is submitted.