Understanding the Ledger for Secondary Insurance Claims.

In the client’s ledger, secondary claims will be grouped under the primary claim it is associated with. This will act as a sub-line in the chart that will be accessible via a dropdown arrow on the primary claim.

The primary claim is going to include the insurance company and all of the information specific to that claim.

The secondary claim will have information about the secondary insurer as well, with the payment made by that insurer.

Note: The primary line is going to hold the total service balance, so it'll be a collective total between primary and secondary line. On the secondary line it will show a white space.

With the three dots, you can adjust and add an insurance payment manually. and you are next to the sub-line for the second dairy claim. However you cannot delete the second claim, you can only delete a claim from the permissions being enabled and only from the primary line. 

Note: If a primary is deleted from the ledger it will automatically delete the second claim.

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