How to Edit or Create a Text Message Reminder Template

From the Navigation bar, select Messaging iQ.

Note: Clients are unable to respond to SMS reminder messages.

Under the Practice SMS Templates you will find SMS Templates for your practice.

To create a new system message select the New SMS Template.

Choose the appropriate type for the new SMS template.

You will be able to choose between an Appointment Reminder and a Telehealth Reminder type. Additionally, you will be able to create up to 5 different versions for each type.

Note: Once 5 versions of the same type have been created, that reminder type will no longer appear in the dropdown menu.

After selecting the type, you are able to manually enter the template version and assign a name to it.

Choose whether you want this to be your practice's Default reminder template. If it's the first version added to your practice, it will be set as the default automatically. Default templates will be the first option used in the client's profile and when enabling reminders for appointments.

Manually input the SMS reminder content by typing or using voice dictation.

Placeholder words can be added to your template so that each SMS sent using the template will include personalized information for each client that receives the email. Simply click the codes to add them to your content box to apply them.

Example: If you add ${CLIENT_NAME} to the content of the email template; it will auto populate as the Client’s First Name who is receiving the email.

Important: Please be sure to click on each placeholder you want to include to ensure it is correctly added to the template and recognized by the system. Manually typing the placeholder within the content will prevent it from being replaced properly.

Select Submit to properly save the template.

To edit or delete a previously existing template select the 3 dotted menu and select edit. When done be sure to submit.

Once one or multiple SMS reminder template versions have been added to the practice, you will be able to configure them within the client’s profile settings. This ensures that the Text Reminder option is enabled and the correct template version is applied to their account.

While the default template is assigned automatically, it can also be manually updated from the client’s profile settings if needed for each Version.

After configuring the client's profile, please be sure to scroll down and click "Save Changes" to ensure the updates are properly applied.

Click here to learn more about text message reminders in TiQ.

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