How to Edit and Amend a Clinical Form

From the  Navigation Bar, select Client iQ.

Search for and select a client from the Client Hub

Select Forms Library. 

Select the forms tab you wish to view: Mental Health, Addiction Treatment, Screeners, or Custom Forms.

Select the form you would like to amend from the Forms Library. Click on the 3 dots on the right side to see the available options.

To Edit A Form:

Select Edit from the drop-down

IMPORTANT: Edits can only be made to a document within a seven(7) day window after that changes need to be Amended.

The form will now open and you can now make any necessary changes to the form.

To Amend A Form:

Select Amend from the drop-down.

Note: The amended form will provide the data for any automation - meaning information from the new form will be pulled into related documentation in place of the locked (original) form

Both client and therapist signatures can be deleted and recollected if necessary.

Now you can make any amendments to the form. The data from the original form will be available for any edits to be made. Once you select Submit the form will be saved as an Amended document and the original will only be available for viewing.

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