How To Create A Client Credit

This guide will show you how to create a client credit that you will be able to utilize as a payment method for future events. 

From the Navigation Bar, select Client iQ.

Search for the client you would like to apply a credit for

You will now see the Client Profile

From the Billing Overview drop-down menu, select Make Payment.

Enter the amount you would like to credit, and select Starting Balance as the Payment Type. Select Submit when done. 

Note: Payment Location, Email Receipt, and Remote Signature are optional.

You will see a confirmation pop-up.

You are now able to see the client credit transaction in the client’s ledger. The total client credit amount will appear in green at the top of the ledger.

If a payment was received on a different event date, you have the ability to create a client credit it to apply to specific event dates:

From the client profile, select View all Billing Transactions under Billing Overview to open the Client’s Ledger.

On the line item for that event showing the positive balance, click on the 3 dots on the right, and select Adjust

Enter the amount you need to adjust with a negative sign (-), add an Adjustment Note, and select Confirm

You will now see the ledger reflect the adjusted amount. If no additional payments are needed for this invoice, click on the 3 dots again, and select Settle.

Type the word “Settle” and then select Confirm to settle the invoice

IMPORTANT: This action is not reversible.

After completing these steps, you’ll need to create the client credit for the amount you adjusted by following the steps mentioned at the beginning of this guide

Click here to learn how to apply a credit on a specific invoice.

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