How to Complete an Individual Progress Note from the Calendar

From the navigation bar select Calendar iQ

Once on the Calendar, select the appointment needing a Progress Note

Select the Documentation icon from the event pop-up

From the menu, Select Progress Note 

The Session Progress Note form will appear

Note: TiQ will automatically generate the Client Name, Related Event, Date, Progress Note Type and Start Time, End Time, and Session Duration 

Session Attendance Totals will show a count of attended sessions, no-shows, and excused absences

Select the related Treatment Plan from the drop-down

Select relevant fields by activating checkboxes within the Treatment Plan goals section

Note: TiQ will automatically generate the client's treatment goals, objectives, and interventions from the client’s treatment plan

Complete Detailed Visit Summary, Assessment of Client Response and Plan/Recommendations

Note: The notes left in the last progress note completed will populate into the new progress note, you can use this data for reference when completing the most current progress note

Once the Progress note is completed Save and Submit button or Save and Finish Later to finish later

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