How to Collect Payments For A Group Session

Navigate to Calendar iQ.

Find and select the Group Session appointment that you are wanting to collect a payment for.

Once there, you will see each Client within the Group Session has its own designated Payment icon. Select the Payment icon for the Client you wish to process a payment for.

Once you select the Payment icon, you will be brought to the Confirm Services and Fees screen and you will see the service name at the top, which for this example is “Group session”.

Next, you'll see Confirm Client Invoice. This is the amount billed to the client. For example: Service Fee, Copay or Coinsurance.

Select Next.

Next, you will be brought to the Collect Payment screen. Input the following:

  • Amount Paying Today
  • Select Payment Type
  • Updated Account Balance will auto fill.
  • Select Payment Location

Whether or not you want to email the receipt to the client or request a remote signature is optional.

If paying with a credit card, you will be prompted to either enter credit card information OR; select a credit card on file to be processed.

Select Submit to continue.

Repeat these steps for each Client in the group session that you wish to collect a payment for.

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