How to Collect Payment for Client Invoices

Therapy iQ provides you with the ability to collect payment for client invoices in three (3) ways:

A. Paying towards the total sum of open invoice for a client

If utilizing this method the payment will be applied to the oldest invoice

B. Paying one singular client invoice

C. Allowing the client to pay their invoice from the client portal

A. Paying toward the total invoice balance:

You can enter this payment screen by selecting the $ icon from the event popup on the calendar.

You will now see the Confirm Services and Fees page.

Next, you'll see confirm client invoice. Here you will confirm that you are billing in an invoice, the client either the full service fee, copay, or coinsurance

When you select Next, you will now see the payment form

From the collect payment screen, You will see a list of all open invoices for the client

Next enter the amount the client is paying

Remember that the payment will be applied to the oldest invoiceWhether or not you want to email the receipt to the client or request a remote signature is optional.

Select the payment type

Select Payment Location - this is where the payment is received if it is a physical location (if applicable)

Submit to process your payment

B. Paying a Singular Client Invoice

From the Client Chart navigate to the Billing Overview Field on the right hand side of the screen

Select an individual invoice by clicking on the corresponding date

From this popup, a payment can be made directly towards an individual invoice.

Note: The amount collected cannot exceed the amount of the invoice.

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