How to Add a Non Client Related Event

In TiQ you have the ability to create a Non-Client Related Events such as a breaks, meetings, or out-of-office events. In this guide we will provide you with the steps when creating a non-client related event

From the Navigation Bar select Calendar IQ

On you calendar Select New Event

Tip: You can also create an event by selecting the event button at top from any pages

To remove the Add Clients section hover in the top right corner of the field and select the Trash Can icon

To remove the Client Services section hover in the top right corner of the field and select the Trash Can icon

Add the Event Details

On the Event Form Type in the non-client related Event Name

Note: Location and Event Room are not required

Assign Staff Member if needed

Add an Meeting Note if you'd like

Select Create Event

A popup letting you know there are no services assigned to this event will appear

Select Proceed Without Services

Confirm if you'd like to Add Another Participant or Send Invites

Your non-client related event will now reflect on your calendar

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