Whether it's to keep track of invoices or follow the progress of treatment, the Switch Account feature is a great way to access an active client's profile without having to sign in with another email. In this guide we will provide you with an in depth walkthrough so you utilize this feature effectively.
The Switch Account button is used when you have been added as a contact under the profile of a current client. The contact roles are as follows:
Emergency Contact
Responsible Party
Referral Source
Legal Guardian
This is how you use the Switch Account feature:
From the Navigation Bar on your portal, select Switch Account
From here you will see Relation Account showing the different profiles you are connected to
Select View Portal on the portal you'd like to access
You will now see the portal of the profile you've selected with a banner letting you know you are now viewing the portal as another client
The navigation bar of the account you access will vary on the permissions given by the provider, in the case below, access to My Documents and My Payments is not permitted by the provider
When you want to go back to your portal, select either Back To My TiQ or Return To Your Account